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Asturian Cheese Board Assembly and Tasting Notes with my Wife!


This video shows a quick cheeseboard assembly and tasting with my amazing wife Eva of seven different cheeses from the region of Asturias, Spain:

It is full summer here in Gijon, Spain right now, on the ocean in the region of Asturias, Spain. Luckily Eva was able to join me to make our first joint video during her only day off from working in the kitchen this week, which was super nice of her--We had a really great time!

Ingredients for the Cheese Board:

The Asturian Cheeses we used here:

(1) Queso de Cabra (an Artisinal aged goat cheese),

(2) La Peral, a blue cheese made from cow's milk

(3) Vidiago, also made from cows milk

(4) Vidago Ahumado, a smoked version of this amazing cheese

(5) Peñamellera, and,

(6)-(7) two types of Gamonéu produced at different altitudes.

Other Cheeseboard Ingredients:

Red Wine & Cheese braided challah-inspired loaf

Membrillo (made from quince)

Jam from Basque fruits

Walnuts and hazelnuts

Dijon Mustard

Fresh fruits, we used strawberries and grapes

Jamon de bellota Iberico.

I got the cheeses a bit confused in the video when trying to arrange them and describe them (my bad!), so I've tried to add some text to the video at various stages to try to clear things up as we go through them--Although my wife and I both knew that first cheese we tried was goat, not cow's milk!

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